ASIA/PAKISTAN - Rimsha, "lamb to the slaughter, saved by the grace of God"

Monday, 3 September 2012

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - "The blasphemy case, of which the Catholic girl Rimsha Masih is accused, was manipulated by the imam of the mosque, Khalid Jadoon, who was arrested. This inhuman act of accusation has now been explained. I am sure that justice will be done and Rimsha will be released, by the grace of God. Rimsha was involved as a little lamb to be slaughtered and will be proven that she is a completely innocent victim": is what Fr. James Channan OP, Director of the "Peace Center" in Lahore says to Fides Agency, illustrating the latest developments in the sensational case of Rimsha Masih. The police arrested the imam Jadoon Khalid on charges of fabricating evidence to accuse Rimsha Masih of committing blasphemy. The arrest was based on the testimony of a Muslim eyewitness, Hafiz Zubair, who boldly accused the imam.
" Rimsha’s case - explains Fr. James - is really a test of how the Christian minority is falsely accused by the controversial blasphemy law. I hope that justice is done for all the innocent victims, and I hope that those who formulate false accusations are punished. "
Yesterday, Sunday, September 2, Fr. James Channan OP, Fr. Pascal Paulus OP, Provincial of the Dominican Order in Pakistan, Fr. Francis Nadeem OFM Cap, celebrated a Mass in St. Joseph Church in Lahore with the intention of praying for Rimsha’s release. The thousand faithful present also observed a day of fasting. Fr. Pascal Paulus said to the faithful: "In these circumstances we must be firm in faith, pray for hatred to disappear and build love and brotherhood in our country." Fr. Francis Nadeem, president of the "National Council for Interreligious Dialogue," reiterated, "trust in the Almighty God, who comforts the Christians during persecution and suffering." After the celebration, many Muslims expressed solidarity and support to the Christian community. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 03/09/2012)
