ASIA/PAKISTAN - "Rimsha is innocent and will soon be free": also Muslim lawyers in her defense

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - "Rimsha is innocent, there is no evidence against her. She will soon be free." Paul Bhatti, Advisor to the Prime Minister for National Harmony and president of the "All Pakistan Minorities Alliance" is confident (APMA), on the case of the Christian girl accused of blasphemy. The proceedings before a court of first instance in Islamabad was once again postponed to Monday, September 3, also because the judge has changed, while the remand in custody for the young girl had been extended to 14 days. But the progress of the proceeding - despite the inflammatory speeches of the counter-party lawyer – seems to be decreasing: in fact, as reported to Fides by Bhatti, the tests carried out by the Medical Commission, who had defined Rimsha "a minor and mentally disabled," was confirmed by the experts. And to follow the case of Rimsha, the APMA has appointed a team of five Muslim lawyers, who are all highly professional and work together with lawyer Tahir Naveed Chaudhry. Given the blatant injustice, given the legal process, given the public support, on behalf of institutions and also of Muslim leaders, the defense team express "confidence in a positive outcome."
Meanwhile, the girl who remains in prison, is under the care of a female prison guard, who looks after her with loving care, but cannot help but notice the suffering she is going through: the child is traumatized, she often cries and looks for her parents. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 01/09/2012)
