Asunción (Agenzia Fides) - The Paraguayan health authorities have warned the country about the risk of a serious outbreak of dengue. According to data reported by the Directorate for Health Control, the majority of cases have occurred in the areas of Asunción and Central. Since the beginning of 2012, 39,946 reported cases have been registered, 90% of which have been confirmed: that is, 28,838. Over the last week 38 cases with initial symptoms have been reported, 5% less than the previous week. 71% of these always come from the west central area, in particular, with 15 cases in Central and 11 in Asunción. There is a need to raise awareness among citizens and municipalities to intensify the fight against the disease; to clean permanent sites and fallow land; to eliminate items no longer in use. The breeding places of the vector are mainly found in homes and must be removed to prevent a relapse of the disease next summer. In the last outbreak this year 60 people died. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 29/08/2012)