ASIA/CHINA - "Reflection on faith in the Year of Faith": Pastoral Letter by Mgr. Lucas Li, Bishop of Feng Xiang

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Feng Xiang (Agenzia Fides) - "Reflection on faith in the Year of Faith" is the title of the long pastoral Letter by Mgr. Lucas Li Jing Feng, ninety-year-old Bishop of the Diocese of Feng Xiang, in the province of Shaan Xi in mainland China, for the Year of Faith, which was signed on August 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary.
The Letter, of which a copy was sent to Fides Agency, is divided into 22 points to help the faithful in a very detailed manner to live well the preparation and celebration of the Year of the Faith wanted by Pope Benedict XVI, which will begin on October 11. Among the issues addressed by Mgr. Li: the crisis of faith in today's world, the relationship between faith and reason, faith and superstition, the revelation of God, the transmission of revelation, sacred scripture, tradition and the magisterium of the Church, the living witness of faith (taking the example of the saints, especially the martyrs), the letters of the "apostles of today" (according to the Bishop are all the documents of the Magisterium of the Church and of the Pope).
Mgr. Li indicates concrete ways to live the Year of Faith: first of all priests must give an example of the life of faith; priests have to organize the study of the documents of the Council, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture, and other texts, the men and women religious and members of Catholic Associations must commit themselves to living their charism; every parish must program the study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (two points per week) and the community recitation of the Rosary every day; the meeting of deaneries must deepen the documents of the Church; it is forbidden to introduce secular folk songs mixed with sacred songs during celebrations. Finally, Mgr. Li cited the Pope, invoking the intercession of Our Lady of China, Help of Christians, so that the faithful may celebrate this Year of faith. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 29/08/2012)
