ASIA/SYRIA - "The Pope's appeal for peace has been widely reported in Syria," says the Metropolitan Archbishop of Aleppo for the Greek-Catholics

Monday, 30 July 2012

Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - "We are happy and thank the Holy Father for the appeal for peace in Syria launched during yesterday's Angelus" says to Fides His Exc. Mgr. Jean-Clément Jeanbart, Metropolitan Archbishop of Aleppo for the Greek-Catholics.
"The Pope's appeal had extensive media coverage which was qualified as a positive factor. Benedict XVI’s words were among the two most important news reported by the local media," adds Mgr. Jeanbart.
After the Angelus on Sunday, July 29 Pope Benedict XVI talked about the situation in Syria: "I continue to follow with concern the tragic and growing violence in Syria with the sad consequence of deaths and injuries among civilians, and a large number of internally displaced persons and refugees in neighboring Countries. For these people I ask that necessary humanitarian assistance and aid are ensured. In renewing my closeness to the people suffering, I launch a pressing appeal for an end to the violence and bloodshed. I ask God for the wisdom of the heart, especially for those who have more responsibility, so that no effort is spared in the quest for peace, even from the international community, through dialogue and reconciliation, for the proper political solution to the conflict. "
"Even the opposition meeting in Rome that launched an appeal to peace and the rejection of violence was rated positively here," said Mgr. Jeanbart. The meeting organized by the Community of St. Egidio of 16 representatives of the Syrian opposition parties, launched an appeal calling on all parties "to find a peaceful solution to the Syrian conflict" through a "national compact policy" (see Fides 27/07/2012).
With regard to the situation of Aleppo, Mgr. Jeanbart said: "We are very concerned about what is happening. We ask everyone to pray for a solution that leads to dialogue. The different Christian communities of Aleppo (Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants) have decided to join forces to meet the needs of refugees and of all those who find themselves in difficulty." (LM.) (Agenzia Fides 30/07/2012)
