ASIA/SYRIA - The Syrian opposition open to dialogue: "No to violence and civil war"

Friday, 27 July 2012

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "It is not too late to save our country. While recognizing the citizen’s right to legitimate defense, we reiterate that weapons are not the solution. Violence has to be rejected and slipping into civil war because they put at risk the state, the identity and national sovereignty": says the message released by a group of Syrian opposition leaders, gathered in Rome in a meeting organized by the Community of St. Egidio. The group, led by Abdulaziz Alkhayer of the "National Coordination Body" and composed of sixteen representatives of the Syrian opposition parties, issued an appeal calling on all parties concerned to finding "a peaceful solution to the Syrian conflict" through a "common national pact."
"We know that Syria, a place of coexistence of different religions and peoples, now runs a mortal risk that undermines the unity of the people, its rights and state sovereignty," reads the final document, sent to Fides Agency. Foreign powers, it says, should not "encourage militarization" while it invites the Free Syrian Army to "participate in a political process to achieve a peaceful, safe and democratic Syria."
The political solution, which should be guided by the UN, implies steps on behalf of the regime: "The ceasefire, the withdrawal of military equipment, the release of prisoners and kidnapped, the return of refugees, emergency aid to victims, a true global negotiation without exclusions that will be completed by a true national reconciliation based on justice." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 27/7/2012)
