ASIA/SYRIA - The appeal of the Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch: "It is urgent to stop the war"

Friday, 27 July 2012

Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - "We urgently need to stop all hostile actions": is the appeal launched to all parties involved in the Syrian conflict, in Syria and abroad, by His Beatitude the Patriarch Ignatius IV of Antioch, Primate of the Greek-Orthodox Church in Antioch and All the East, who resides in Damascus.
In the text of the message, sent to Fides Agency, Patriarch Ignatius says: "A countless number of Arab Muslims and Christians, men, women and children, fall victims of bombs every day. Hospitals are full of injured people. "
As Arabs of Syria, "regardless of our religion, we have the right to live in peace in our country," he continues, noting that "in fifteen months, we have lost many people, many migrants and refugees have left their homeland for other countries. Our Christians have lost their villages, cities, their properties, their churches and their families under the rubble of the struggle." The Orthodox Primate concludes: "We invite all the Syrians in the name of the one true God, to decide to live together in our blessed home. We hope that all international organizations help us to ensure peace, stability and reconciliation." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 27/7/2012)
