ASIA/SYRIA - Aleppo: fears a massacre, a growing fear for the presence of foreign mercenaries

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - "We fear a massacre if the army were to attack in large numbers in districts in opposition hands. The army is still strong, even though it has lost a plane, and the opposition is increasingly armed, " said local Church sources to Fides from Aleppo, in the middle of the clash between the forces of the Assad regime and those of the opposition.
Our sources, for security reasons do not wish to be named, said that "although no threats were made against Christians, there is growing fear in our community. What is feared are mercenaries and other foreign fighters, some belonging to Al Qaeda. It is these that scare us. With the Syrians, dialogue is possible because we identify ourselves as children of the same nation, but with foreign mercenaries who will defend us?, especially because as Christians we excluded to defend our neighborhoods with arms, because we want to be elements of peace," concludes the sources of Fides. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 08/08/2012)
