ASIA/SYRIA - "We must continue to seek a political solution," say sources from Aleppo after the resignation of Annan

Friday, 3 August 2012

Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - "We fear what happened in Homs when people took refuge in the neighborhood where Christians live repeats itself, that in turn have become the battleground between the two parties. This worries us even though we must say that at the moment the Christian areas are calm" local sources from Aleppo told Fides, where government troops and the Free Syrian Army face each other. "We see, however, that everywhere there are preparations to continue the battle for the control of Aleppo. No one knows what will happen in the next 48 hours," add our source.
The various Christian communities (Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant) have established a coordination office to help each other. " "We ask the prayers on behalf of everyone, we launch an appeal to the European states, if they are really interesting in helping the Syrian people they have to put pressure on those who incite war and instead push the two parties to dialogue. We believe that dialogue is still possible, but we need to reach a solution quickly so that the consequences for the population are less harmful, " add our sources.
On the diplomatic front, the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, has given up his position as mediator in the Syrian crisis on behalf of the United Nations and Arab League, after 5 months of unsuccessful attempts to find a political solution.
"We had hoped in the mission of Annan, and we continue to hope for an honorable way out for both parties. If one really wants to help the Syrian people the only solution is political, war does not lead anywhere," concludes the sources of Fides. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 03/08/2012)
