ASIA/PAKISTAN - Pakistani Muslim leader attends lessons in Christianity at the Pontifical Universities

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - Sohail Raza, 42 years of age, a Muslim from Lahore, is the Director of the Department for Inter-religious Relations in "Minhaj ul Quran" ("The Way of the Koran"), an international Islamic movement, spread over 80 countries around the world , which promotes an approach of Islam "Sufi". Raza has just spent six months in Italy and the Vatican, thanks to a grant of the "Nostra Aetate Foundation", established by the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue. Raza attended courses and studied Christianity in three pontifical universities: the "Pontifical Gregorian University"; the "Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies" (PISAI); the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum). This experience "deeply touched and enriched him", allowing him to have a "correct approach to the Christian religion and to appreciate it," says to Fides the Dominican Fr. James Channan, OP, Director of "Peace Center" in Lahore. Fr. Channan, very busy as far as inter-religious dialogue is concerned, indicated Sohail Raza to the Papal Foundation for an experience of "immersion in Christianity" which, he explains, "is to break down the prejudices often found in Islam; to build bridges of dialogue in mutual understanding, to promote in the Islamic world an open mind towards harmonious relationships, based on the correct perception of the Christian faith."
The Dominican continues: "Sending representatives of Muslim groups and students to study the Christian faith in pontifical universities is an experience that we strongly support: we believe it could have a very positive impact in Pakistan. These initiatives are necessary to encourage dialogue between two worlds, Christian and Muslim, and to better understand the situation of believers who happen to be minorities," remarked the priest.

The "Foundation Nostra Aetate" is inspired by the document of the II Vatican Council and promotes interfaith dialogue through cultural and academic initiatives. Archbishop Luigi Celata is the President and Mgr. Chidi Denis Isizoh the Secretary. The Foundation has just given "Peace Center" in Lahore over 300 books on theology, philosophy, Bible, liturgy, inter-religious dialogue. Initiative, much appreciated by Christians and Muslims students and scholars who attend the library of the Centre. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 25/7/2012)
