ASIA/CHINA - New Foundation of the Diocese of Xian Xian for the aid to the poor and re-launch of evangelization

Monday, 23 July 2012

Xina Xian (Agenzia Fides) - Education, aid to the poor and to the victims of natural disasters, evangelization of the newly baptized: are the priorities of the new Foundation of Xian Ai, of the diocese of Xian Xian (today Cang Zhou) in the province of He Bei. According to what was reported to Fides by Faith of He Bei, in the meeting that marked the birth of the Foundation, held on July 14 and presided by His Exc. Mgr. Joseph Li Lian Gui, diocesan Bishop, the statute and the first elected executive were approved, led by Mgr. Li as president. The participants at the meeting confirmed that the foundation "focuses on works of charity and compassion in service to society, with the love to witness faith", in the spirit of re-launching evangelization in the diocese and to contribute to the development of the Chinese society. Mgr. Li urged the faithful of the diocese to "live their faith and love with their lives, not just in words," and "to transmit this love that Christ has given us with life, so that nobody in the world lacks this love."
The diocese of Xian Xian (today Cang Zhou), which was the old Apostolic Vicariate of Tcheli-Southeast, today has 75,000 faithful, nearly 100 priests, 206 churches and chapels. The local Catholic community has sent dozens of priests and nuns to study abroad, with the help of the universal Catholic community. Each year, over one hundred new catechumens receive Baptism and become members of the Christian community. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 23/7/2012)
