ASIA/SYRIA - The Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo supports the effort of reconciliation of "Mussalaha"

Monday, 16 July 2012

Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - "I believe that the initiative 'Mussalaha' should be encouraged and supported by all. Reconciliation, although it is sometimes hard to accept, is a way not to be left out and should not be underestimated ": with these words, expressed to Fides Agency, His Exc. Mgr. Giuseppe Nazzaro, OFM, Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo, expresses the institutional support of the Church in Syria to the popular interfaith initiave "Mussalaha" ("Reconciliation"), which is emerging as a "third way" in the Syrian scenario: in an attempt to help quell the ongoing conflict, it focuses on "internal dialogue " among different political, social and religious components of the Syrian population.
The Bishop explains to Fides: "In my experience in the field, especially for what my Franciscan brothers did in the past, called to intervene in difficult situations, I think 'Mussalaha' should be supported. I totally agree with its spirit, because its main purpose is to save lives." "Man today, even in the tragic conflict we see in Syria – notes Mgr. Nazzaro - must realize that human life is a gift from God and, as such, must be cherished for God’s respect who gave it to man, whether Christian, Muslim, jew, buddhist ".
The movement "Mussalaha", which is gaining ground, despite the civil war in various areas of Syria, was born "from below", from civil society, it is interreligious, transparent and independent (see Fides 6, 9, 11/7 /2012). It intends to dialogue with both warring parties and the interest it seeks is only the salvation of human lives, reconciliation, unity and brotherhood of the Syrian people. It includes civil and religious leaders, community leaders, dignitaries and representatives of professions. Thanks to the efforts of a Committee of "Mussalaha" for the mediation in the conflict, in recent days more than 60 civilians, mostly Christians, have left the bombed city of Homs and have been rescued.
The evacuation of civilians was possible thanks to the bilateral agreement between the government forces besieging the city, and the factions of the armed revolutionaries. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 16/7/2012)
