AMERICA/MEXICO - Catholic Newspapers: "To become a voice to defend life before all the challenges"

Friday, 13 July 2012

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - The 2nd National Meeting of Catholic newspapers, which was held from July 10 to 13 at the Casa Lago, in Cuautitlán Izcall in Mexico City D.F., to reflect on the Catholic press and the challenges of the New Evangelization ends today. The slogan of the meeting is in fact "The Catholic press as a tool of the New Evangelization in the Permanent Continental Mission".
In the note sent to Fides Agency from the Secretariat of the Commission of the Pastoral of Communications of the Episcopal Conference of Mexico, reads that the main purpose of this meeting is "to re-evaluate the process of journalistic formation, necessary so that the pastoral care of communication is incorporated in the complete formation of missionary disciples." "We are confident that the professional formation will greatly help to increase the quality of our publications and will contribute to the new evangelization in the context of the Continental Mission" said Father Antonio Camacho Muñoz, Executive Secretary of the Commission.
The Catholic Church in Mexico is working in almost all new areas of communication, such as radio via Internet, the TV via internet, etc.., without neglecting the other traditional media such as radio and print, that manage to enter into many homes of the people (Catholic and non) who live far away from modern towns.
The work of journalists is also experiencing a very difficult moment in Mexico and throughout Central America: they are the new voice of those who have no voice and therefore, in many extreme situations, even their lives are at risk. In Central America there were many journalists murdered, just because they did their job with care and search for truth. CELAM has published recently (see Fides 22/5/2012) a video to denounce the murder of 22 journalists in Latin America.
Father Camacho emphasized: "We are an instrument of God's Spirit in the Church, and we must become a voice to educate and inform people as Missionary Disciples, builders of peace, and defend life in all situations and before all the challenges the world every day proposes." (CE) (Agenzia Fides 13/7/2012)
