ASIA/CHINA - The celebrations for the centenary of the Diocese of Tian Jin continue

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Tian Jin (Agenzia Fides) - "Moment of the Holy Spirit, moment of the Laity", "Rekindle the fire of the Church in China", "Grace, Service, Life and Witness", "The Word of God shows us the way": these are some of the topics discussed during the solemn Preaching promoted by the Diocese of Tian Jin within the celebrations for the "One Hundred Years of Grace" of the diocese, which was held on June 30 in the parish of Shuang Shu. From the information Fides received we learn that more than 2 thousand faithful attended the Preaching and sharing.
According to the organization priest "it is the first experience of this kind, and was a great success. Above all it strengthened the missionary sense of the faithful, encouraging the development of evangelization and the pastoral care of the diocese."
The celebrations for the centenary of the founding of the Diocese of Tian Jin were opened on January 18. The Jubilee has the main theme of "One Hundred Years of Grace" and is divided into four parts or seasons: the season of prayer (January to March); the sharing of the season (April to June); the season of life (from July to September) and the communion of the season (October to December).
In 1847 the Gospel arrived in Tian Jin. On April 27, 1912 the Apostolic Vicariate of Tian Jin was erected and Mgr. Paul Dumond, CM, then Vicar of Beijing, was appointed the first Apostolic Vicar of Tian Jin. In 1946, the year in which the Chinese Hierarchy was established, the Vicariate became a diocese. In 1980 the church resumed all its activities. Today there are over 100 thousand faithful, 40 priests, about forty women religious of Charity, plus a few dozen seminarians. The local Church is committed to the mission of evangelization, pastoral care, social service and charitable works. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 11/7/2012)
