VATICAN - The Pope visits the Ad gentes Center of the Missionaries of the Divine Word: "missionary dynamism lives only if there is the joy of the Gospel"

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Nemi (Agenzia Fides) - In the late morning of Monday, July 9, the Holy Father Benedict XVI visited the "Ad Gentes" Centre of the Missionaries of the Divine Word (Society of the Divine Word, SVD) in Nemi (Rome), from Castel Gandolfo. In this house, from 29 March to 3 April 1965, the work of the "Commission on Missions" took place. Pope Benedict, then a young theologian expert, was part of this commission. Currently the 17th General Chapter of the SVD is being held (see Fides 04/07/2012). The Pope was welcomed by the elected Superior General, Fr. Heinz Kulüke, by the outgoing Superior General, Fr. Antonio Pernia, and by the Attorney General, Fr. Giancarlo Girardi.
In the Chapel, speaking to the general Chapter delegates and members of the Mother House, the Holy Father said: "I am really grateful for the chance of revisiting the centre in Nemi after 47 years, perhaps the most memorable time of the entire Vatican Council." He said "it was wonderful to be in the company of great theologians, to prepare the missionary decree with such great responsibility." "I recall former SVD general Father Schütte, who had suffered in China, had been condemned, then expelled - the Pope continued -. He was full of missionary zeal, the need to give new impetus to the missionary spirit ... Then there was Fulton Sheen, who fascinated us in the evening with his talk, Father Congar and the great missiologists of Leuven. For me it was a spiritual enrichment, a great gift. It was a decree without great controversies. There was this controversy that I never really understood, between the school of Leuven and that of Münster: the main purpose of the mission is the implantatio Ecclesiae or the Evangelii proclamation? But all converged into one dynamic of the need to bring the light of the Word of God, the light of God's love in the world and give a new joy for this proclamation."
Benedict XVI also expressed his satisfaction with the growth and spread of the Society of Divine Word in many countries: "Clearly the missionary dynamism lives, and lives only if there is the joy of the Gospel, if we experience the good that comes from God and that must and wants to communicate ". Then he concluded: "I wish you, for this Chapter, every blessing of the Lord, a lot of inspiration: that the same forces that inspired the Holy Spirit who accompanied us during those days are present again among you and help you find your way to your Society, for the mission of the Gospel ad gentes for the coming years. Thanks to you all, God bless you. Pray for me, as I pray for you. Thank you! " (SL) (Agenzia Fides 10/7/2012)
