ASIA/SYRIA - Civilians evacuated from the historical center of Homs, thanks to the "Mussalaha" initiative

Monday, 9 July 2012

Homs (Agenzia Fides) - Two Christian families were able to leave the old town of Homs and were rescued. Thanks to an agreement between government forces and opposition forces, sponsored by the Interreligious popular Committee "Mussalaha" ("Reconciliation"), some progress in the crisis of civilians trapped in Homs is being made. Currently nearly 200 families, between Christian and Muslim, are blocked in the neighborhood of Bustan Diwan and Hamidiyeh, stranded for days in the crossfire. Attempts to save them failed. Now those neighborhoods are no longer the target of bombings by the regular army and tension seems to have declined slightly.
After proving to be a free and transparent initiative, which only seeks the good of the Syrian people, without prejudice, the local committee of "Mussalaha" is expanding its support and getting attention and sympathy even from the opposition. Thanks to this benevolent disposition on behalf of both parties, in this context, the result obtained by the "Mussalaha" is miraculous. According to many observers, "Mussalaha" may be the "third way", born from the popular Syrian genius.
After days of blackouts, telephones in the Bustan Diwan are again active, some priests present in Homs refer to Fides. About 100 faithful Christians in the area are helped by the Jesuit fathers who give humanitarian aid, opening their convent on Wednesdays and Sundays. They provide food, comfort, prayer and medication. Some families in recent days had asked to leave the neighborhood, but the factions of the rebels did not allow it, while dismissing the accusation of using them as "human shields". The rebels, explain the faithful, " have good care of Christians residents because they are a guarantee for the safety of all."
Meanwhile, according to sources of Fides, the neighboring district, Khalidiyeh, is currently emptied. The thousand of civilians who in recent weeks the Red Cross had tried to evacuate from the area, have moved to other areas of Homs, with the coverage of rebel groups, because they were civilians (women, elderly, children) belonging to insurgent families. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 09/07/2012)
