ASIA/PAKISTAN - President, Bishops, ministers: shock and shame for the case of a "blasphemous" man burned alive

Friday, 6 July 2012

Multan (Agenzia Fides) - There is strong concern, deep sorrow and shock for the case of man accused of blasphemy and burnt alive near Bahawalpur in Punjab (see Fides 05/07/2012). The place is in the Diocese of Multan and a team of the Diocesan Commission "Justice and Peace" has taken action to clarify the different aspects of the case: it seems that the man was not in the area, according to some he was mentally disabled, no-one knows his family of origin. As reported to Fides, the team "Justice and Peace" has not yet been able to move on to the scene of the crime because order and security are not guaranteed. In the Bahawalpur area there are radical Islamic groups that have had great weight in this episode.
Mgr. Andrew Francis, Bishop of Multan, who keeps in constant contact with Christians in Bahawalpur, told Fides: "We condemn the unspeakable and macabre gesture, like all forms of brutal violence. I am ashamed to think that it happened in my diocese. As a local Church let us continue to pay close attention and follow the story and its implications, with prudence and with prayer." The Bishop, who is also President of the "Commission for Interreligious Dialogue" in the Episcopal Conference, said that "the Church will double its efforts in dialogue with Muslim leaders" to stop all forms of extremism.
The incidenty has created confusion throughout society, in politics, including religious minorities. The President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari, defined the incident "heartbreaking", has ordered an inquiry to investigate the lynching. In a statement sent to Fides, Paul Bhatti, Adviser to the Prime Minister for National Harmony, has expressed deep sorrow and concern, noting that "no person should be allowed to appropriate the law," hoping that "justice is done." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 06/07/2012)
