AFRICA/MALI - Alarm in the north of Mali due to the spread of cholera

Friday, 6 July 2012

Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "Cholera is spreading in Gao, in the north of Mali occupied by various armed groups. First deaths have already been recorded" says to Fides Fr Edmond Dembele, Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference of Mali.
"The lack of fuel to power generators that drive the pumps has resulted in the lack of drinking water" explains Fr. Dembele ". The rainy season to about to begin, although in the north it is usually less intense, which could exacerbate the problem if not treated in time, because the infected water carries several diseases, including cholera."
According to Fr. Dembele "the State is taking initiatives to help the people of the area. A campaign to sensitize the population with sanitary recommendations to prevent the spread of the epidemic has already started. This is a campaign that takes place every year during the rainy season but this year it has been anticipated to meet the emergencies in Gao."
On the health front, "one thinks to send drugs to the north through the humanitarian corridor that the government already uses to send food in rebel-held areas," adds Fr. Dembele.
On the political front tomorrow, July 7th, the Summit in Ouagadougou (capital of Burkina Faso) begins in Mali. Representatives of different political parties and civil society in Mali will participate. "Religious leaders have also been invited," said the Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference of Mali. "Among them are the representatives of the High Islamic Council, the Archbishop of Bamako, Mgr. Jean Zerbo, and the President of the Association of Protestant Churches."
"The government still lacks the necessary support by the political forces trying to address the crisis in the north. We hope that the meeting in Ouagadougou profiles a glimmer of solution, " concluded Fr. Dembele. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 06/07/2012)
