AFRICA/KENYA - "We try to increase collaboration with Muslims," said the coadjutor Bishop of Garissa after the attacks on churches

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - "The situation is calm. Both Christians and Muslims have condemned the attacks. They all say that there is no religious war but that the attacks on two churches are probably a reaction to the presence of the Kenyan army in Somalia" says to Fides His Exc. Mgr. Joseph Alexander, Coadjutor Bishop of Garissa, in Kenya, where on Sunday July 1, two churches were attacked, including the Catholic Cathedral (see Fides 02/07/2012). "Yesterday there was a meeting with civil and religious authorities of the area in which we participated as a Catholic Church," said Mgr. Alexander, who added: "Bishop, Paul Darmanin, organized a meeting to be held tomorrow with priests, religious men and women to assess the situation. The intention is to increase aid to the Muslims to prove that we have nothing against them. Even now, every month we distribute food even to Muslim families in difficulty because of famine. " The Somali press reported the arrest of some persons allegedly involved in the twin bombings against churches in Garissa. "We have not heard of arrests of people involved in the attacks - said Mgr. Alexander - and it is unknown whether the bombers come from outside or are from the area. It is true that there are some supporters of the Shabaab. Moreover, the popuilation of the area consists of Somali, and it is difficult to distinguish between those who are local and who is from Somalia," concludes Mgr. Alexander. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 04/07/2012)
