AFRICA/KENYA - "It is not a religious war, but we are troubled by the attacks against churches," write the Bishops of Kenya

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - "We are greatly concerned by the deadly attacks on innocent Kenyans at the Africa Inland Church and the Catholic Cathedral of Garissa," write the Bishops of Kenya, in a statement sent to Fides Agency, signed by His Eminence Cardinal John Njue, Archbishop of Nairobi and President of the Kenya Episcopal Conference . On Sunday July 1, armed men, presumed to be related to the Somali Shabab, attacked the Catholic Cathedral of Garissa and the local Evangelical Church Africa Inland Church causing at least 17 victims and about fifty wounded (see Fides 07/02/2012 ). "These unjustifiable acts of violence being continuously meted out on Kenyans including women and children have not only resulted in the loss of innocent lives, but also created a sense of insecurity among Christians and all peace loving Kenyans" the statement said.
The Bishops also state: "While reaffirming our belief that we are not in the presence of a religious war, we are disturbed by the fact that the attacks were carried out in Christian churches. As Kenya Episcopal Conference , we ask all Kenyans to work towards promoting peaceful coexistence."
The message also asks everyone to cooperate with the police to stop the violence and terrorism and refers to the responsibilities of government to conduct research in depth and assess the security situation in the Country. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 03/07/2012)
