AMERICA/MEXICO - "Democracy, the privileged path to achieve peace, justice and development": the Bishops on the elections

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - The Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM) congratulated the Mexican people for their actions during the elections last Sunday, July 1st, and asks the new government of Enrique Peña Nieto to satisfy "the the most authentic needs of the Mexican people" and not to betray the trust of voters.
"We are happy when we recognize democracy as a primary way to achieve peace, justice and development, much desired by Mexicans ... We congratulate those who won the elections and recognize the civilization of the candidates and parties that were not chosen by the voting citizen, for recognizing that in democracy the people's will must prevail": this is how the Bishops express themselves in a statement, also sent to Fides Agency, signed by His Exc. Mgr. Carlos Aguiar Retes, President of CEM, and by His Exc. Mgr. Victor Rene Rodriguez Gomez, Secretary general of the CEM.
According to data collected by Fides, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) won the elections last Sunday, which had been in government for about 71 years and returns after 12 years. Peña Nieto, according to the local press, obtained 38 percent of the votes, while the leftist leader Andres Manuel López Obrador, 31 percent. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 03/07/2012)
