AFRICA/MALI - "The destruction of the mausoleums in Timbuktu is considered a crime by the Malians"

Monday, 2 July 2012

Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "Everyone, from the political and governmental authorities to ordinary citizens, condemn the destruction of the mausoleums in Tombouctou" says to Fides Agency Fr. Edmond Dembele, Secretary of the Episcopal Conference of Mali. The Islamist groups that control the north of Timbuktu in Mali have destroyed several mausoleums and tombs of Muslim saints.
"There are not buildings that are worshiped, as the Islamists say, but they are historical monuments, which recall some of the history of this region. Their destruction is considered a crime by all. Furthermore, these monuments have a key role in promoting tourism in Mali. Therefore the historical and artistic damage is added to the economical one," said Fr. Dembele.
The destruction is the work carried out by the Islamist group Ansar Al Dine who, together with Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQMI) control much of northern Mali, after driving out the independent National Movement for the Independence of Azawad (MNLA).
The latter requested support from the international community to fight against the Islamists.
"This appeal comes a bit late because the Islamists have occupied the territory and it will not be easy to recover," said Fr. Dembele. "It is true that the MNLA has the advantage of knowing the land but AQMI and other groups are well positioned."
But how can one explain the weakness of the MNLA in the face of AQMI and Ansar Al Dine? "I Can make two assumptions," answered Fr. Dembele. "Either the force of the MNLA (initially it was said that its forces came from Libya and were well armed and aggressive) was overestimated, or the forces of AQMI and Ansar Al Dine were underestimated." "The Islamists - he continues - were helped by elements coming from other Countries in the region, which allowed them to overtake the MNLA. The latter is losing support among the population in the north because on one side it considers them responsible, by driving the national army out, of having created the conditions for the arrival of the Islamists. On the other hand, many northerners do not want to hear talk of independence for the region of Azawad (the north of Mali). At present among the population there are those who prefer to support the Islamists against the MNLA because they do not want the independence of the north. But these people do not see what danger the Islamists represent, who want to extend the Sharia law throughout Mali. "
"The MNLA which supports the independence of northern Mali is losing ground - concludes Fr. Dembele - so in theory the Country can regain its territorial unity, but the danger of Islamists is still underestimated. The destruction of the mausoleums of Timbuktu is a warning sign in addition to the restrictions of freedom of the people in areas controlled by the Islamists: One cannot watch television, listen to music or smoke. " (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 02/07/2012)
