ASIA/SYRIA - "People are tired of violence, peace initiatives are urgently needed," says the Apostolic Pro-Vicar

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - As the country is sinking into a civil war, "the majority of the population is tired of violence, wants peace and dignity. What is urgently needed are peace initiatives, as Franciscans, we encourage, are ready to give our contribution, as we are doing in many villages": This is what the Franciscan Fr. George Abu Khazen, OFM, Pro-Vicar in Aleppo tells Fides Agency, commenting on the current difficult historical phase the country is facing.
The interfaith initiative "Mussalaha" ("Reconciliation"), which launched gestures of reconciliation among leaders and members of different communities (see Fides 12 and 27/06/2012), "is sincerely welcomed, the result of good will and sincere desire for peace of many people belonging to the mosaic of over 20 ethnic and religious communities that make up the mosaic of Syrian society," says Pro-Vicar.
Fr. George continues: "As Franciscans, we try to bring a message of peace and to continue in the service to the people, even at this stage of conflict, with works of charity and solidarity. We are at the service of all, especially the poorest, without distinction of race or religion. In small villages and towns we are trying to be mediators in the micro-conflicts and divisions that are exacerbated," says Fr. George to Fides. To avoid an escalation of the civil war in Syria, "it is important that the people's initiatives for peace are strengthened and find space to invite the warring parties to dialogue: violence is never a solution." "Unfortunately - he concludes - war accentuates divisions, while Syria has always been in its history, an example of coexistence: we must return to our roots to build a future of peace, hope and reconciliation." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 28/6/2012)
