AFRICA/KENYA - Jesuits at a Conference on Social apostolate, after 50 years of independence in Africa

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - The Jesuits from over 15 African countries gathered from June 24 to 28 in Nairobi, Kenya, for a seminar on "the Jesuit Social Apostolate in Africa to test the budget of independence: the role of study centers and social action." The meeting was organized by the Jesuits of the Social Network and Coordination of the Social Apostolate, two services of the JESAM (Conference of the Provinces of the Jesuits of Africa and Madagascar). In the opening speech, the President of JESAM, Fr. Michael Lewis, reflected on the Social Apostolate model for contemporary Africa, a continent in rapid economic growth, but still has to face many challenges, including food insecurity for most people, poor governance, lack of self-sufficiency.
Fr. Lewis pointed out four practical problems that the Social Apostolate will have to face in the future: financial sustainability of the social apostolic societies, neglect of the youth for social apostolate, inclusion of lay people, strengthening the commitment of the Jesuits in the promotion of justice.
In his speech Fr. Orobator, Provincial Superior of Eastern Africa, said that the Church and the Society of Jesus in Africa must be an active conscience of society, engaging in the formation of leaders.
Another challenge is the collaboration with other religions and with civil society in promoting democracy, the rule of law, the common good, human rights, as well as social justice in Africa.
Other interventions analyzed the different areas of the continent: the Francophone and Anglophone West Africa, East Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo and southern Africa. Various speakers highlighted the difficulties and the progress made in these first 50 years of independence of many African countries. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 27/6/2012)
