AFRICA/DR CONGO - Controversy for the publication of a UN report on the support of Rwanda to the Congolese guerrilla

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - The UN Security Council decided on June 26 to publish a controversial document in which it denounced the Minister of Defence of Rwanda and several Rwandans senior officers as supporters of the Movement M23, consisting of military deserters, who act in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
The document was prepared by the UN Group of Experts, an independent body in charge of investigating who supports armed groups in the eastern DRC and to propose sanctions to the UN Committee for this member. This is an addendum to a recently published report by the experts. The publication of the addendum was temporarily blocked, given the sensitivity of its contents, prompting protests in Kinshasa.
According to an anticipation on behalf of Reuters the document states that "the Rwandese Army has provided military equipment, weapons, ammunition and other material to rebels of the M23".
In the briefing on June 13 in front of the UN Sanctions Committee, the Group of Experts had found that the military of the Rwandese army had entered the DRC to reinforce the rebels positions and provide them with logistical support. The Rwandese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Louise Mushikiwabo, rejected the conclusions of the Group of Experts, stating that there is an ongoing "war of words" in the Country, to make Rwanda the "scapegoat" of the problems that exist in the DRC. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 27/6/2012)
