ASIA/SYRIA - Witnessing the Gospel in the midst of the conflict: the message of the Greek Melkite Synod

Monday, 25 June 2012

Beirut (Agenzia Fides) – It is necessary to be "witnesses of Gospel values in Syria", and "rediscover our vocation to become light, salt and leaven in Arab societies": is the appeal launched by the Synod Fathers at the conclusion of the Synod of the Greek-Catholic Melkite Church, held from June 18 to 24 in Lebanon. The Synod, presided by His Beatitude Patriarch Gregory III Laham, who resides in Damascus (Syria), was attended by Bishops and representatives from the Middle East, the Americas, Australia.
In the final message of the Assembly, which Fides received, the Synod Fathers dwell on "the dramatic situation prevailing in our region in general and Syria in particular", expressing the fear that "the blood will leave behind resentment and it will be difficult to heal wounds. " "This - it says - is more dangerous than war itself," while ensuring that "the Church will remain next to all her children, in particular those who migrated from their homes."
The Bishops are "waiting for the Pope's historic visit to Lebanon and the Middle East - expected in September, at the conclusion of the Synod of Bishops of the Middle East - to clinch the case for justice and peace, particularly in Palestine and Syria" . They invite, therefore, all the faithful to live the waiting for the arrival of the Pope "in prayer, in churches and homes, to obtain justice and peace." In particular, the Synod urges the leaders of Lebanon to "continue national dialogue," noting that Lebanon is "a land of safety, hospitality, openness to the Arab brothers" and its mission is to have "love and trust them."
The Synod, which also examined internal affairs on the formation of the clergy and appointed some Bishops (names will be announced later, Ed), it also implemented the guidelines of the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization to be held in Rome in October. The Assembly finally approved the opening of the beatification process of Boutros Wadih Kassab, a layman, father and apostle of the Egyptian Delta, who lived the Christian virtues and evangelical, entrusting the Patriarchate of Alexandria, to which Kassab belonged. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 25/6/2012)
