AMERICA/MEXICO - "A truly secular state respects the religious freedom of citizens": Bishops' statement

Friday, 22 June 2012

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - "The Mexican Bishops' Conference (CEM), calls Catholics to defend the amendments made by Congress, which are now under discussion in the local chambers, on everything that concerns the constitutional reform of Article 24. Otherwise, Mexico will not be a country where there is freedom and respect, we need to defend this right to religious freedom ": so reads the note sent to Fides Agency by the Episcopal Conference of Mexico. Through its Executive Secretary for Public and Institutional Relations, Father Manuel Corral Martin, the CEM also expressed its criticism towards some religious realities which, through manipulation and deception, hide the true meaning of the constitutional reform on Article 24 , which deals with the religious freedom.
The Bishops' statement is a request addressed to the local legislators and public opinion, where we remember that "religious freedom is recognized in the Constitution of Latin American countries and Europe, and although Mexico is the exception, sooner or later it will have to fully recognize this right in its Constitution." "The reform does not mean a privilege " reaffirm the Bishops.
"A truly secular state is one that respects the religious freedom of citizens who gather under a religious belief ... and this allows coexistance with different beliefs in the social field." (CE) (Agenzia Fides 22/6/2012)
