ASIA/PAKISTAN - Premier disqualified, there is a risk of instability: the Church supports democracy

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - The Supreme Court of Pakistan disqualified Prime Minister Yousuf Reza Gilani from his office yesterday, due to the effect of the sentence imposed on him for contempt on April 26. The Supreme Court itself, in fact, two months ago condemned the Premier for refusing to follow orders of the judiciary on a case of corruption against President Asif Ali Zardari, his political ally in the Pakistan People's Party (PPP). Gilani had refused to resign, saying he had not committed any crime. Following the court verdict, the PPP convened an emergency meeting. According to observers, a bitter power struggle between the government and the judiciary could open up.
Interviewed by Fides Agency, Fr. James Channan, OP, Director of "Peace Center" in Lahore and President of the Conference of Major Superiors of religious institutes in Pakistan, said: "I believe that the order of the Supreme Court must be respected to ensure the observance of the rule of law in Pakistan. We would have preferred, however, that the Court had given such order on April 26, to avoid a confusing policy in the country. The risk now is that a dangerous period of instability and chaos could trigger, which could also result in a military coup.
A possibility that we reject with all means, recalling the dark years of the dictatorial regimes that the history of Pakistan went through." Fr. Channan concludes to Fides: "We pray that the nation can overcome this critical moment. As a Church, along with all the faithful Christians of Pakistan, we want to reiterate our full and wholehearted support for democracy and the rule of law, which are the most valuable assets for the social and political life of the country, to protect the rights of all and also for the plight of minorities." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 20/6/2012)
