ASIA/SYRIA - Patriarch Gregory III Laham: "National Dialogue to end the conflict"

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - To come out of the Syrian crisis and end the conflict, "it is urgent that all Syrian unify efforts for a genuine national dialogue" is what the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, Gregory III Laham told Fides, inaugurating the Synod of the Greek Melkite Catholic Church in progress in Lebanon, in the presence of Bishops and representatives from the Middle East, Europe, America, Australia (see Fides 18/06/2012).
As reported to Fides, the Patriarch said: "We express solidarity to our Syrian people, tenacious in their quest for life, dignity and unity of their country," hoping "the convergence of all the social and religious components in the search for a global reform of the country," which must be implemented "in all fields of the political, social, cultural and administrative reality, through the efforts of all the Syrians: the government, political parties, intellectuals, constructive opposition ".
The Patriarch, reiterating the position of the Catholic Church in Syria, said: "We urge all parties involved in the country and abroad, to participate in the construction of a new Syria, on the model of a plural democracy", since "violence has exceeded all limits" and "is destroying the nation."
The Patriarch launched an appeal "not to push innocent citizens in the political conflict" and "not to terrorize civilians with kidnappings, murders, extortion, destruction and seizure of their property", expressing the Church's closeness to all Syrian citizens who are victims of the spiral of violence. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 19/6/2012)
