AMERICA/MEXICO - The Bishop of Saltillo: "Do not sell your vote, it is a moral issue"

Monday, 18 June 2012

Saltillo (Agenzia Fides) - Two weeks before the presidential election, Mgr. Raul Vera Lopez, Bishop of the Diocese of Saltillo, has launched an appeal urging the people not to sell their vote, because the corruption that occurs with such action, will also mark the management of those who manage to obtain the victory. In the note sent to Fides Agency, we read the words of the Bishop: "Do not sell your vote, it is a moral issue. When you get to a government position through bribery, corruption remains, there will still be corruption." Mgr. Vera Lopez underlines that "it exists, and you can see a lot of corruption in public organizations", and it is a situation that reflects the degree of impunity that prevails. "There is impunity because in cases of disappearances, murders, crimes, robberies and beatings, no one gives an answer." In this regard, he said it is outrageous to hear that those who now struggle for power, want to prove that they will put an end to corruption, just when "we have been seeing it, feeling it, living it and breathing it, for a long time and every day." Mexico prepares for the presidential elections on July 1 (see Fides 12/6/2012) and there is still confusion concerning the procedure at the time of the vote because, despite the protests, no one explains to people what they have to do. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 18/6/2012)
