VATICAN - The Pope for World Refugee Day: "I hope their rights are respected and that they may soon be reunited with loved ones"

Monday, 18 June 2012

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "World Refugee Day sponsored by the United Nations will be celebrated on Wednesday, 20 June, - said the Holy Father Benedict XVI during the Angelus on Sunday, June 17 -. The Day wants to attract international attention to the conditions of many people, especially families, forced to flee their lands, because threatened by armed conflicts and serious forms of violence. To these brothers and sisters who are so troubled I assure the prayer and the constant concern of the Holy See, while I hope that their rights are respected and that they may soon be reunited with loved ones."
The Pope also spoke of the conclusion of the International Eucharistic Congress, in Ireland, to which he sent a video message, and stressed that the event "during this week made Dublin the city of the Eucharist, where many people gathered in Prayer in the presence of Christ in the Sacrament of the altar. In the mystery of the Eucharist, Jesus wanted to stay with us, for us to enter into communion with Him and among ourselves."
In his speech before reciting the Angelus with the faithful and pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square, the Pope spoke of two parables in the Gospel presented in the liturgy of the day: one about the seed that grows on its own and the parable of the mustard seed. With the first Jesus says that "the present time is the time of sowing, and the growth of the seed is ensured by the Lord. Every Christian, then, knows we must do all we can, but that the final result depends on God, this knowledge will sustain us in our daily labors, especially in difficult situations." In the second parable we learn that the Kingdom of God is "a humanly small reality, consisting of the poor in heart, those who are not confident in their own strength, but in the love of God, who are not important to eyes of the world, yet right through them breaks the power of Christ and transforms what is apparently insignificant." (SL) (Agenzia Fides 18/6/2012)
