AMERICA/BRAZIL - 5 elements for sustainable development: Caritas Internationalis for Rio +20

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Rio de Janeiro (Agenzia Fides) - A call for a paradigm shift "toward a new civilization of love for humanity, which concentrates every action in the dignity and well-being of men and women": So says Caritas Internationalis at the United Nations Conference on the Sustainable development, to be held in Rio de Janeiro from June 20 to 22. In order for this summit to become a message of hope for humanity, especially for the poor and marginalized, Caritas Internationalis emphasizes five elements/dimensions of fundamental importance: 1. A Future Without Hunger: ensuring the right to food. "The only hunger should be the hunger for justice, equity, ecological sustainability and responsibility." 2. A future with a vision to reaffirm "commitments on behalf of developed countries to undertake the promotion of a development model for the welfare of all mankind, giving priority to justice, equity, ecological sustainability and accountability" . 3. A future where we care for our house: creation, because "the environment as a resource threatens the environment as 'home'." 4. A future with a new green economic picture that respects the ethical principles of fairness and solidarity, which does not overlook the proposals for the "human development, global and sustainable." 5. A future that respects women and men created in God's image: a new social contract. "We draw up a code of conduct for global citizenship solidarity." The statement was sent to Fides Agency by Caritas America Latina y Caribe. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 13/6/2012)
