ASIA/SYRIA - "Reconciliation": in Homs Syrian civil society take to the fields for a non-violent solution

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Homs (Agenzia Fides) – It is called "Mussalaha", which means "Reconciliation", and is an extraordinary non-violent popular initiative born in civil society in Homs, a city torn by conflict between the regular army and opposition forces. It is the demonstration, and also hope, of a "third way" alternative to armed conflict but also a possible alternative to military intervention from abroad, invoked by the Syrian National Council, which coordinates the Syrian opposition.
It is an initiative that, as reported to Fides, "fills a void created by the noise of weapons: it does not side with any of the warring parties, it arises spontaneously from below, from civil society, by all those citizens, parliamentarians, priests, members of all ethnic and religious communities, who are tired of war. " Among the promoters and major supporters of the initiative, there are the Christians in Homs, of all denominations. Among those who have personally exposed themselves, there are two Catholic Greek priests, Fr. Michelle and Fr. Abdallah, the Syrian Catholic priest Fr. Iyad, the Maronite Fr. Alaa, the Syrian Orthodox Fr. Khazal. They have put all their energies in persuading large populations that "in this impasse, we need a shake: the hour of reconciliation has struck ."
The initiative took shape with the organization of two meetings held in recent days in Homs, with extraordinary popular participation, which was attended by members of all communities that make up the Syrian society: Alawites, Sunnis, Druze, Christians, Shiites, Arabs. In these meetings we already had an extraordinary and unthinkable result: joint declarations, hugs and solemn commitments, reconciliation between groups, families and Alawite and Sunni communities have been sanctioned- the main protagonists of the current conflict - who have publicly committed to "building a reconciled and peaceful Syria" in the name of mutual respect. While Homs is still the center of conflict, civil society reintroduces terms like "dialogue and reconciliation", until now forgotten, to say "no to a sectarian war in Syria", launching an urgent appeal to all leaders involved and the warring parties, so that they return "peace and security to the country and the people." "Mussalaha" goes on and provides other public meetings in coming days, hoping to "infect" soon all the Syrian cities. (PA) (12/06/2012 Agenzia Fides)
