ASIA/TAIWAN - Seminar of Major Superiors: for a new identity of the local Church

Monday, 11 June 2012

Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - Sacred Scripture, Liturgy, spiritual deepening, missionary responsibility of the laity for a new identity of the particular Church in Taiwan: these were the main themes discussed at the Seminar of Major Superiors of religious Institutes that carry out their mission in Taiwan. According to the Catholic Weekly, the magazine of the Archdiocese of Tai Pei, over seventy priests, men and women religious and laity took part in the Seminar, which took place a few days ago, on the theme "Inculturation of the Church of Taiwan according to the II Vatican Council". The participants discussed the general issue developing three main points: reflection on the concept of inculturation; building the story of salvation in Taiwan; seeking a new identity of the local Church. Among the ideas that emerged, the participants were convinced that "the experience of the life of faith is the core of inculturation, because it promotes an exchange of life between God and man. Then there is the liturgy, dogma and law of the Church." Although Taiwan has just celebrated 150 years of the history of evangelization thanks to the Dominican missionaries, "however, there is still a lot to do." And this "is the purpose of evangelization": that the local Church of Taiwan is committed to the utmost to finding a new identity. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 11/6/2012)
