ASIA/PAKISTAN - False accusations: a Christian pastor in prison accused of fraud

Friday, 8 June 2012

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - The Protestant Christian Pastor Mehboob Yaqoob was arrested and charged with fraud by police in Lahore. The Pastor is the victim of deception and was denounced and dragged in on false charges by a group of people, some Muslims and a Christian who wanted to hit him. The police, informed sources of Fides, abused and mistreated him and there are strong concerns that he could be further maltreated in prison. The Pastor, 40 years of age, has a wife and three children, he was leading a Pentecostal Christian community in Lahore. The organization LEAD ("Legal Evangelical Association Development ") has mobilized for him and is trying to help him, by removing the charges. The LEAD defends the rights of Christians by providing free legal assistance. "What is being done to Pastor Mehboob is an instrumental attack and persecutory. But the police did not want to listen to reason. When a Christian is involved in a legal proceeding, the road to prove his innocence is always very difficult. We hope and pray for him and his family," said to Fides Pastor Mushtaq Gill, head of LEAD. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 08/06/2012)
