ASIA/PAKISTAN - Bomb in front of a madrasa: the Church calls for the end to violence and peace

Friday, 8 June 2012

Quetta (Agenzia Fides) - A bomb exploded today outside the gate of an Islamic religious school (madrasa) in Quetta, capital of the Pakistani province of Baluchistan. The toll of the powerful explosion caused 15 victims and 51 wounded, including several young students and some children, transported to hospitals in the city. "Sectarian violence and terrorism are rampant. We condemn such actions that kill innocent people and have an absolute disregard for human life. As Christians we continue to demand an end to violence," commented Fr. Inayat Gill, OMI, pro-Vicar Apostolic of Quetta in an interview with Fides. "It is urgent to re-establish full respect for the dignity and human rights in this province, where the social and political context is so difficult and delicate" added the pro-Vicar. "Every Sunday we pray intensely for peace and justice." The province of Baluchistan has been at the center of national political debate for months, as there is sectarian violence in recent years which has caused more than 550 terrorist acts, while more than 100,000 people have fled the province because of insecurity and disorder. Violence is of a social and political nature, and touches the relationship between the major community, the Baloch Sunni Muslims and the minority community, the Hazara of Muslim Shiite religion. For about 40 years in the province, rich in natural resources, there has been an active nationalist guerrilla, to which the government responds with a massive military budget, the "Frontier Corps". The Christians in the district of Quetta are, overall about 70 thousand, including about 40 thousand Catholics, mostly immigrants from other parts of the country. The Christian community generally is not involved or affected by violence. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 08/06/2012)
