ASIA/CHINA - The celebration of Corpus Christi in the sign of evangelization

Friday, 8 June 2012

Shi Jia Zhuang (Agenzia Fides) - The celebration of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, commonly known as the Corpus Domini, was celebrated yesterday, Thursday, June 7, in several Chinese Catholic communities, in communion with the Universal Church and in particular with the Holy Father Benedict XVI, who presided the Mass in Rome and the Eucharistic procession, from the Basilica of St. John to Santa Maria Maggiore. According to what was reported to Fides by Faith of He Bei, the celebration was marked in China by missionary zeal and commitment to evangelization. Thus, for example, the parish of Fei Xiang in the Diocese of Han Dan in the province of He Bei, organized a solemn Eucharistic procession and adoration. Along the main street of the town, the faithful set up 4 tents in order to distribute the material on the formation of the faith the pamphlets on evangelization, thus explaining the meaning of the celebration of Corpus Christi. The people asked priests and laity questions and information on how to approach and learn more about the Church. The day ended with the solemn Eucharist Blessing. Even the streets of Beijing yesterday were blessed with a solemn procession of the Eucharist: the Blessed Sacrament was accompanied by 79 major seminarians and fifty nuns who study at the National Seminary in Beijing. Along with them were the priests who teach at the Seminary and the faithful. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 08/06/2012)
