ASIA/PAKISTAN-The Auxiliary of Lahore: "Thanks to firm faith, the status of Christians has improved "

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - "To remain steadfast in faith": is the appeal to the faithful by His Exc. Mgr. Sebastian Francis Shaw (OFM), auxiliary Bishop and apostolic Administrator of the archdiocese of Lahore, on the occasion of the Jubilee celebrations for the 125th anniversary of the foundation of the diocese. As learned by Fides Agency, the Bishop, speaking in past days to an assembly gathered in the church of the Immaculate Conception in Anarkali, in the diocesan territory, encouraged the faithful to hope, recalling "more difficult moments than those present when even water was rationed to the Christians. "The result of a strong faith, trust in God, the firm stand in defense of the dignity of every human being and equal rights, the Bishop remarked, was "a greater recognition of Christians in society and improvement of their status" , although intimidation and discrimination against religious minorities in Pakistan are still present. At the jubilee celebration, which saw local people rally around the pastor, there were catechists, youth, church groups, the "Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary" the youth of the "St. Joseph High School ", the Franciscan tertiaries of Lahore. Established in 1886 and entrusted to the Belgian Capuchins, the current Archdiocese of Lahore today, has 26 parishes and is the largest in the province of Punjab. (IB-PA) (Agenzia Fides 05/06/2012)
