AMERICA/PERU - Week of Migrants: intensify missionary activity in the field of human mobility

Monday, 4 June 2012

Lima (Agenzia Fides) - From 1 to 7 June "National Week of the Migrant and his family", coordinated by the Pastoral Care of Human Mobility of the Episcopal Commission for Social Pastoral of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference is celebrated in Peru. Fides Agency received numerous reports concerning cultural and religious events which will take place in several dioceses, to provide space for reflection on the theme of immigration. Among these we mention the diocese of Callao, where activities began on Sunday, June 3, with a Mass presided by the local Bishop, His Exc. Mgr. Jose Luis del Palacio, in the Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The Mass was followed by a cultural festival, a food fair and a
dance performance. In the Archdiocese of Lima today, June 4, the book "Dynamic migration on the border between Peru and Chile," will be presented at the auditorium of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference. On Wednesday, June 6th a forum-conference on "Human Trafficking: A Challenge for Development" will be held at the headquarters of the Andean Community of the Nations.The Episcopal Commission for Social Pastoral has published a message to all migrants and their families, which emphasizes the theme of Pope Benedict XVI’s Message for 98th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2012, "Migration and New Evangelization." The Bishops say: "At a time when the Church prepares for the next General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October, on the New Evangelization, the Holy Father reminds us in his message that the present moment calls the Church to undertake a new evangelization in the vast and complex phenomenon of human mobility, increasing missionary activity. " Therefore, the Holy Father's words invite us to promote concrete actions towards migrants: "In our country there are over three million Peruvians who have fled their homes in search of a better life for their families," the Bishops say. "At the same time - continues the message - we must consider certain factors such as increased internal migration, human trafficking and illegal smuggling of migrants, the situation of foreigners in prisons, pastoral care in ports, etc.. They are all parts of reality that challenges us, and before which the Church must be a Church without borders, a Church of families, attentive to the phenomenon of human mobility. " Finally, the Bishops encourage all my fellow countrymen who are outside the country, "to keep their Catholic faith, as we ask the protection to the God of Miracles, the patron saint of Peruvian migrants". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 04/06/2012)
