ASIA/PAKISTAN-Christians and Muslims re-launch the values of dialogue, tolerance, unity

Monday, 4 June 2012

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - While the country is ravaged by sectarian violence and the growth of religious extremism, Christian and Muslim leaders re-launch the values of dialogue, peace and tolerance. "Meeting, dialogue, prayer are essential. We spread the value of peace in the popular culture of Pakistan," explains the Dominican Fr. James Channan OP, Director of the "Dominican Peace Center" in Lahore (capital of Punjab) to Fides Agency, which promoted a few days ago a "Symphony of Prayer for Peace", attended by about 120 priests and lay Christians, religious and secular Muslim leaders, united in the value of peace. Several poets of Pakistan, recited poems and the assembly thanked Fr. Channan for "the outstanding work in promoting inter-faith dialogue, reconciliation and peace." In the days before the "National Council for Inter-Faith Dialogue", he had organized another inter-faith meeting in Sargodha (always in Punjab) on the theme of social harmony that religious communities are called to contribute. "We need social harmony in Pakistan today than ever before," said Syed Shah Qurban, a Muslim leader, before an audience of 60 among Christian and Muslim religious leaders. Qurban complained that many religious leaders claim to be messengers of peace, but once they return to their communities, their words are very different. This is why he invited those present to be "serious promoters of these values." During the meeting various episodes of cooperation and sharing between Christian and Muslim communities, at a local level were reported, which give hope of a better future. Fr. Francis Nadeem, a Capuchin friar and National Coordinator of the "National Council for Inter-faith Dialogue," concluded by saying that "harmony is created in our preaching and actions of life," noting that "dialogue promotes closeness and distance decreases ".As reported to Fides, another ecumenical conference, organized recently in Lahore, focused more on the spiritual aspect and saw the participation of Bishop Sebastian Shaw OFM, Apostolic Administrator of Lahore. Several Christian leaders reiterated the need for Pakistan to bring the message of Easter and Pentecost. "Easter and Pentecost teach us harmony, sharing, unity among the different churches, unity between families, between individuals, between groups, between organizations and between different civilizations. They invite us not to consider anyone a stranger. They teach us to be steadfast in our faith and the courage to speak in the name of Jesus Christ. They teach us to stand firm in faith and be faithful to Jesus until our death, in martyrdom," said the Bishop, exhorting all to witness Christ in daily life and to be courageous apostles in preaching the Good News. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 04/06/2011)
