AMERICA/PERU - The Church demands a stop to the conflict in the Espinar area that has caused deaths and injuries

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Espinar (Agenzia Fides) - The Prelature of Sicuani, Cusco, Peru has published a report on the current situation in the province of Espinar, of which a copy was sent to Fides Agency, where the following acts of violence caused by the conflict between the population and the mining company Xtrata are reported. At the date of this release, May 25, two people had died and 22 wounded (seven policemen and 15 civilians), including the Mayor and the Police Commander of Espinar.
The report noted that the conflict is the result of many events which happened in the past, starting from the first mobilization in 2000: since then the population continues to denounce the serious environmental consequences of mining companies. The report also highlights the disproportionate amount of police present (between 1,200 and 1,500 men) that generate a climate of tension and distrust towards the possibility of dialogue with the government and the mining company.
After the recent incidents recorded on Thursday, May 24, the report calls for action by the office of the "Defensoria del Pueblo" (Government Organization to protect the rights of the citizen) for investigation. The Territorial Prelature, in its report it also highlights the lack of infrastructure and other services to the hospital in Espinar, such as an ambulance, X-ray equipment and specialists to treat the wounded.
The urgent request of the Prelature is that the government removes the "state of emergency" (imposed after the riots on May 24) that gives full powers to the police and puts the city under the complete control of the police in order to begin dialogue between the parties. The population demands the intervention of the government to conduct a study of the area with regard to environmental protection, as in the case of Conga in Cajamarca (see Fides 06/12/2011).
In a statement entitled "Dialogue is the path to build peace", signed by His Exc. Mgr. Salvador Piñeiro García-Calderón, Archbishop of Ayacucho and President of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference, even the Bishops of Peru have raised their voices on this conflict. In the statement, a copy of which was sent to Fides, the Bishops recall that violence stops development and generates hatred between brothers and sisters and a culture of peace is needed. Also, life must be protected and respected, both by the community as by the authorities. So the Bishops ask for dialogue between the parties to resolve the conflict immediately. The forces of order are recommended to carry out their duties without the use of violence. Finally, the Episcopal Conference offers the availability of the Catholic Church to become a mediator for dialogue. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 31/5/2012)
