ASIA/TAIWAN - More impetus to mission: the Sisters of Providence 250 years since its founding

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - The evangelization continues to be the top priority for the Sisters of Providence, said of Portieux (Soeurs de la Providence de Portieux) that celebrated the 250th anniversary of the foundation in May 2012.
During a solemn Eucharistic celebration held in past days, the Congregation confirmed its commitment to spreading the Gospel following the footsteps of its founder Jean-Martin Moye, a pioneer of evangelization, who was a missionary in mainland China for 10 years. According to the sisters, "the congregation today, as the entire Church, must face the challenges of society, especially in the field of evangelization and new flowering of vocations." The women religious have thus confirmed that they will continue their service," according to the will of the Lord."
The congregation was founded on January 14, 1762 by Jean-Martin Moye (1730-1793) who was beatified by Pope Pius XII in 1954. The nuns are devoted primarily to education and Christian education of the youth. Today there are present in Europe (Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland) and Asia (Cambodia, mainland China, Taiwan, Vietnam).
(NZ) (Agenzia Fides 30/5/2012)
