AFRICA/MALI - Authority and population are contrary to an Islamic State in the north; all faiths pray for peace

Monday, 28 May 2012

Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "Both the political authorities and the people have reaffirmed that Mali is one and indivisible. The same original inhabitants of the north that are located in Bamako, are contrary to the secession of the north and the creation of an Islamic State in that area," says to Fides Fr. Edmond Dembele, Secretary of the Episcopal Conference of Mali.
On Sunday, May 27 rebels of the national Liberation Movement and of Azawad and the jihadists of Ansar Dine proclaimed the establishment of an Islamic State in northern Mali. "The proclamation of an Islamic State in the area scares all the neighboring countries, starting with those that are part of ECOWAS. We will see in the next few days what the reaction to the proclamation of the independent State of northern Mali will be, which could include military action" continues Fr. Dembele.
"On the political front, the Prime Minister has reassured the population concerning the improving health conditions of the President of the transition, Dioncounda Traore, who is still hospitalized in France after the attack carried out last week by a group of supporters of the military junta that had taken power with the coup on 22 March. "
"The attempt by a group of parties favorable to the coup leaders to set up the military junta leader, Captain Amadou Sanogo Haya as President of the transition instead of Dioncounda Traore also seems to have failed (see Fides 24/05/2012)" says Fr. Dembele . "Another group of parties has however announced for tomorrow, May 29th, a protest against the attack on the President of the transition. In view of the protest the authorities, together with religious leaders, have urged people to remain calm. At this point it is unknown whether the demonstration will take place."
The various religious denominations in the Country continue to play an important role in finding a solution to the double institutional policy crisis (the secession of the north and the coup on 22 March).
Yesterday, Sunday, in all Catholic and Protestant churches there was half an hour of prayer for peace in Mali, following the directions taken by the religious leaders of the Country last May 24. "Muslims prayed for peace on Friday, May 25, while Catholics and Protestants on Sunday, May 27. His Exc. Mgr. Jean Zerbo, Archbishop of Bamako, had urged Catholics to pray intensely at Pentecost. Today we also celebrate a solemn Mass in the Cathedral of Bamako to ask for God's gift of reconciliation " concluded Fr. Dembele. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 28/5/2012)
