AFRICA/MALI - The supporters of the military junta want the leader of the coup as President of the transition

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - This complicates the political and institutional crisis in Mali after the announcement on behalf of the supporters of the military coup of the investiture of the head of the military junta, Captain Amadou Haya Sanogo as President of the transition, instead of Dioncounda Traoré. The latter had just been appointed Head of State of the transition period lasting 12 months, with the agreement signed on May 20 (see Fides 21/05/2012).
Traoré was wounded on May 21 during an assault on the presidential palace by a group of supporters of the military junta that had seized power with the coup of 22 March. Under pressure from the international community, and in particular of the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), the military coup leaders had apparently agreed to relinquish power with the agreement of 20 May. Traore has officially left Mali for a series of medical tests in France, "which were scheduled a while back," as a spokesman said.
The assault on the presidential palace was led by the Coordination of Patriotic Organizations of Mali (COPAM) which is the same acronym, which organized the meeting of supporters of the military junta during which it was proposed to entrust the Presidency to the captain Sanogo.
The political confusion in Bamako pushes away even the solution of the crisis in the north of the Country, in the hands of different groups, including one secessionist and several other of Islamist-style. The instability in the north of Mali has created, according to the UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 147,000 IDPs and 200,000 Malian refugees in the neighboring States. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 24/5/2012)
