AMERICA/BRAZIL - Deaths decrease but violence increases in the countryside: the PLC report

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Rio de Janeiro (Agenzia Fides) - The number of deaths due to conflicts in the Brazilian countryside fell from 34 in 2010 to 29 in 2011, but rural violence has increased, according to a report published by the Pastoral Land Commission (PLC) of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops, as informs the note sent to Fides. Under the heading "Conflicts in the countryside of Brazil", the PLC reports that the ratio of the murders because of fights over land, over water or rural forced labor have decreased significantly since 2003, when 73 deaths were recorded.
Despite the reduction of homicides, the total number of conflicts increased from 1186 (2010) to 1,363 (2011), according to the report. "Conflicts over land ownership rose from 853 in 2010 to 1,035 in 2011, with an increase of 21.32%, and with an increase of 177.6%, the number of farmers threatened to death has increased (from 125 to 347) " the study said. Conflicts at work in conditions of slavery have increased from 204 in 2010 to 230 in 2011, and disputes over water have dropped from 87 to 68 during the same period. Overall, last year 600,925 people were involved in conflicts in rural areas. In the Amazon, where disputes involving farmers, miners, Indians and settlers interested in new lands for cultivation, 69% were recorded for conflicts, 79.3% for homicides and 85% for threats.
The Secretary General of the Brazilian Episcopal Conference, His Exc. Mgr. Leonard Steiner, Auxiliary Bishop of Brasilia, has announced that the Report on violence in the countryside will be delivered to the Secretary for Human Rights of the Presidency of the Government and Minister of Justice. The permanent consultant of the PLC, His Exc. Mgr. Tomas Balduino, Bishop Emeritus of Goias, informed that this year started with much more violence in the countryside, so that in the first four months of 2012 12 homicides were recorded compared to 8 for the same period in 2011.
At the presentation of the Report, Mgr Steiner and Mgr. Balduino, also His Exc. Mgr. Guilherme Werlang, Bishop of Ipameri, President of the Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Service of Charity, Justice and Peace were present. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 08/05/2012)
