EUROPE/SWITZERLAND - Spring Scalabrini-Fest: called to witness, as Christians, it is possible to live communion among diversities

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Solothurn (Agenzia Fides) - "So that the colors of God find a home- on the way to Pentecost" was the title of the Spring 2012 Scalabrini-Fest. The meeting, aimed at young people, adults and families with their children, took place from May 4 to 6 at the International Formation Centre (Internationales Bildungszentrum) "G.B. Scalabrini " Scalabriniane Secular Missionaries, in Solothurn in Switzerland. There were about 400 participants of 34 nationalities - natives, immigrants and refugees from different continents - united by the desire to live an experience of Church, where the variety of "colors", ie languages, cultures, ages and living conditions, together with the originality and uniqueness of each person, can be accommodated and expressed in mutual service and fellowship.
The discussion took place in dialogue with the new Bishop of Basel, His Exc. Mgr.Felix Gmür, who has been at the helm of the largest diocese in Switzerland for over a year. Taking a cue from the title of the festival, the Bishop referred to the reality of colors in the physical world. The range of existing colors is much larger than what our eyes can perceive: there is therefore a huge potential in nature and extraordinary beauty, beyond what we can see ourselves. The colors are recognizable only as variations of light. Jesus’ statement: "I am the light of the world" he reveals us, within our faith, what is the true source of all the many differences that enrich the face of the Church and the world. At Pentecost, the Spirit of Christ crucified and risen, the Spirit of love, allow all the differences to understand each other. Pentecost becomes the festival of the infinite diversity and unity at the same time: a joy and a challenge. As Christians we are called to witness that it is possible to live communion among diversities in a world that often seems to go in the opposite direction, as revealed by forced migration, or the persecution of Christians and other minorities.
In exchange groups and workshops some of these issues were explored and the commitment of our testimony was questioned. The Eucharistic celebration was presided by Auxiliary Bishop of Basel, His Exc. Mgr. Martin Gächter, and concelebrated by Father G. Bortolamai, Scalabrini missionary, Fr. Ihab, Iraqi priest and by some priests in Switzerland. (LD/SL) (Agenzia Fides 08/05/2012)
