AFRICA/KENYA - Emergency Refugee in the Mission of Camp Garba: more than 3 thousand people need everything

Monday, 7 May 2012

Camp Garba (Agenzia Fides) - "The situation in refugee camps is dramatic, government aid is rather insufficient, everyone is afraid to go to the area, the essential is lacking, especially water, increasing the risk of diseases and death, especially among the most vulnerable, children." This is the appeal that the Superior General of the Consolata Missionaries, Fr. Stephen Chamberlain launched and sent to Fides, describing the situation in which the Consolata missionaries find themselves operating in the parish of Camp Garba, in the Diocese of Isiolo (Kenya).
Often the nomadic tribes of Northern Kenya clash, sometimes violently, for the possession of livestock and to ensure the right to pasture - says the Superior General - but recently, the interests of local politicians have transformed the traditional coexistence of the various tribes, overwhelming and violent, to take away land from nomadic people with a view to enrich themselves in accordance with international economic powers. The Justice and Peace Commission of the Kenyan region, in a recent report documented how from October 2011 to the present day, on three different occasions, the Borana attacked Turkana settlements killing 20 people, destroying 150 homes, burning crops and dispersing their herds of camels.
"The survivors took refuge in schools, churches and chapels of the mission, and in refugee camps set up in the parish territory - continues Fr. Camerlengo -. Others have fled to neighboring villages, which are considered safer. The rough estimate of assisted persons in the parish is about 3,300 people. I hope that soon one can seat the leaders of the warring parties at the same table to reach an agreement of peace, reconciliation and forgiveness, and so one can resume living together peacefully, respecting the rights of all." (SL) (Agenzia Fides 07/05/2012)
