AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Ten years ago, the FARC killed 78 faithful in Bojayá, including 48 children, who took refuge in church

Friday, 4 May 2012

Bojayá (Agenzia Fides) - Ten years ago the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) murdered 78 members of the parish of Bojayá, including 48 children, who had taken refuge in the church of St. Paul the Apostle in Bojayá, about 380 km to the northwest of Bogotà.
The testimony sent to Fides by a local Colombian radio station, remembers the sad anniversary: on May 2 ten years ago the FARC and a group of paramilitaries clashed in the streets of Bojayá. Approximately 400 civilians went to seek protection in church. The parish priest, Father Antun Ramos, tried to keep the situation under control: He asked everyone to pray and hold hands, while outside the sound of gunfire shots were heard.
The FARC wanted to eliminate the paramilitaries, and began to throw grenades, according to the testimony of Father Ramos. Two grenades were thrown over a house and behind the school, the third against the church: the explosion claimed the lives of 78 people, mostly children. After the explosion Father Ramos improvised a white flag and led the group outside the church, shouting that they were civilians and that everyone’s life had to be respected. But the FARC wanted to take the country and they had no regard for anyone or anything. On the same day the house of the Missionary Sisters of St. Augustine was hit, where there were many wounded among the 130 civilians who were hiding due to the fourth grenade thrown by the FARC.
"That day – Fr. Ramos recalled talking to a local radio station - 119 people were murdered in the village. Today, despite the presence of the police, there are still gangs in our small town and therefore the risk of conflict endures."(CE) (Agenzia Fides 04/05/2012)
