ASIA/HONG KONG - "Gift of God’s Love": a diocesan meeting sponsored by the Commission for Vocations

Friday, 4 May 2012

Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - "Gift of God’s Love" was the theme of the prayer meeting sponsored by the Diocese of Hong Kong on the occasion of the International Day of Prayer for Vocations, which took place on April 28 in the meeting room of Caritas Hong Kong. During the meeting, sponsored by the Commission for Vocations of the Diocese, priests and men and women religious encouraged young people to respond the Lord’s call, demonstrating the ability to discern God's gift to draw strength from faith and respond with courage to the call. According to reports from the Kong Ko Bao (Chinese version of the diocesan bulletin), over 120 young people, priests, men and women religious attended the prayer meeting which was presided by Msgr. Pierre Lam Minh, MEP, diocesan Vicar, and by Father Benedict Lam, Rector of the Holy Spirit Seminary in Hong Kong, who is also Director of the Commission for vocations. Mgr. Lam shared his experience of religious life and the three important gifts he received from God: family, the ability to grow up in the midst of war, and faith. He also talked about his vocational journey, which lasted six years due to opposition from the father. In the end, his persistence and determination convinced his father. With his experience he therefore encouraged the young people present not to fear the difficulties during the path of their vocation. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 04/05/2012)
