ASIA/CHINA - The Catholic youth volunteers at the service of the Marian shrines for the month of May

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Shi Jia Zhuang (Agenzia Fides) - They serve the Mass, receive the pilgrims, direct the traffic, help the elderly to climb to the shrine, they meet every logistic need: they are young Catholic volunteers who have chosen to live the month of May by offering their service to Marian shrines during this month that records the largest number of pilgrims throughout the year. Since in China the holidays for May 1, Labor Day, last at least three days, the Catholics take advantage of this holiday to go on a pilgrimage to the Marian shrines for the opening of the Marian month. This involves a strong commitment to pastoral care and logistics of the faithful on behalf of the operators to the Sanctuaries, so the contribution of these youth becomes important and timely.
According to what is reported to Fides by Faith of He Bei, one of many examples is the famous Shrine of Our Lady of China of Hu Xian, in the province of Shaan Xi, where the Group of Charity, composed of young Catholic university, have mobilized since the beginning of May for this service. During the sharing, almost all of the different groups of pilgrims have devoted their thoughts to these young people who are "the hope of the Church." The pilgrims said they saw in them "successors of the first evangelists," because "they are the best evangelists." But even young Catholic volunteers are enthusiastic about this service: "For us it is like a new baptism, a spiritual renewal. Seeing the devotion of the elderly, young people and children, we feel strengthened in faith." Despite the service and the daily struggle, the young volunteers pray together every night, and every week they have a new theme of spirituality to be deepened. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 03/05/2012)
